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Salted Cashew

$ 160.00

Immerse your taste buds in the perfect balance of savory and nutty goodness with our Salted Cashews, a tempting treat straight from the heart of Kokan

Type: Physical

  • iconEstimated Delivery:7 days
  • iconShipping Charge: On Orders above 500 ₹

Kokan's Salted Cashews are a harmonious blend of premium cashews and a touch of exquisite sea salt. Sourced from Kokan's verdant landscapes, each cashew undergoes a meticulous salting process, creating a symphony of flavors that is both satisfying and addictive. Whether enjoyed as a standalone snack or incorporated into your culinary creations, these salted cashews promise a delightful gustatory experience.

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  • Nutrition Information:

    • Balanced combination of protein, healthy fats, and natural salt.
    • Contains vitamins B6, E, and K.
    • Rich in essential minerals: magnesium, phosphorus, and copper.
  • Health Benefits:

    • Provides a savory and satisfying snacking experience.
    • Contributes to overall heart health.
    • Sourced from Kokan's pristine landscapes, ensuring quality and authenticity.